I think everyone on the trip could agree that we were all feeling sad to leave England, and begin our journey back home to the states. We made new friends, amazing memories, and became a closer knit group within the span of 10 days. Some of us even managed to pick up British slang and sayings, and in some cases, the Yorkshire accent itself.
Departure day ended up being the best day weather-wise: sunny and "quite" warm. After a bit of free time to roam around and say a "proper" goodbye to London, we left for the airport. We met up with our friends who travelled to Barcelona and told stories upon stories about our different trips. Needless to say, it was hard to get a word in, because we were both "buzzing" about our amazing experiences.
Most of the Pingree students on the plane to Boston were passed out during the plane ride, including myself. We were all exhausted, but excited to see our families. My "mates" and I had "loads of" conversation on the plane in between all of the sleeping. We reminisced on our trip and were already planning things to do in October with the QEGS and WGHS students!
We touched down in Boston around 8pm, collected our things, and said our goodbyes. Our amazing trip had come to an end for the time being, but we can all agree we are excited for it to rekindle in October!!
Thanks to Arlynn and Mr. Haltmeier for making the trip, not only possible, but so much fun!!
-Audrey St.Clair, '17